Friday, July 10, 2009

Some Travel Fatigue Setting In...

July 10
Ah, what Gottfried calls "travel fatigue" seems to be settling in... Several of the Fulbright folks have been down and out with stomach issues over the last several days. My roommate, Patricia, wasn't able to participate in the adventures today due to stomach cramping, so this "bug" seems to be working its way through the group... Pictured above moving left to right: Adri and Douglas, then Craig, then Adam our Byzantine expert, then Kristen, then Orelia, and finally Keith. These photos were taken in the lobby of our current hotel, which has many personal alcoves for lounging or simply being exhausted. We had just been to the Citadel, climbing to the very top in the bright morning sun...
Pictures from that journey will be coming in a future post!
I'm off to get some water bottles for Patricia, so that she has something to mix her Gatorade in while we are at dinner.
I wish all of you bright sun on your faces and the joy of discovering newness in your world...

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